Tuesday, November 10, 2020

"New home for the children from Kulina", news article in РТС/RTS (Radio Television Serbia) from October 9, 2012


Novi dom za decu iz Kuline, article by Suzana Duka, dated 9 October 2012, РТС/RTS (Radio Televizija Srbije)

The article:

Novi dom za decu iz Kuline
Utorak, 09. okt. 2012.

Mališani iz doma u Kulini kod Aleksinca izmešteni u hraniteljske porodice i dečje domove. U Kulini ostaju samo odrasli. O premeštenoj deci vodiće se danonoćna briga i sa svakim od njih radiće se individualno.

Do kraja godine, u domu u Kulini kod Aleksinca, gde su krov nad glavom delili zajedno odrasli i deca sa najtežim smetnjama u razvoju, više neće biti nijednog deteta. Mališani su izmešteni u hraniteljske porodice ili u dečije domove, a u renoviranom domu ostaće samo odrasli.

Kampanja "Zovem se Anđela", ne samo da je šokirala javnost 2001. godine, već je i naterala nadležne da reše problem boravka dece sa smetnjama u razvoju ne samo u Kulini već i u drugim ustanovama tog tipa u Srbiji.

Deo mališana, koji su godinama živeli su u domu u Kulini, daleko od očiju javnosti, sada su u beogradskom domu u Zvečanskoj 7. Bolji uslovi života i danonoćna briga i nega stručnjaka daju rezultate.

"Rad sa njima organizovali smo kao i rad sa svom drugom decom, s tim što smo insistirali da što veći broj odraslih bude uključen u podršku deci, kako bismo dostigli optimalni cilj. To je individualni pristup uz puno uvažavanje specifičnosti svakog pojedinačanog deteta", kaže Mila Vuković Jovanović iz Radne jedinica za smeštaj uz intenzivnu podršku deci.

Iz Kuline je u Zvečansku stiglo pedesetak mališana sa najtežom smetnjama u razvoju. Ustanova, koja je do tada bila dom za decu bez roditeljskog staranja od rođenja do tri godine života, morala je da se prilagodi novonastalim okolnostima.

"Ovde su sad ušla deca i adolescenti koji imaju probleme i značajno izražene smetnje, drugačije potrebe, tako da je bilo potrebno pripremiti sve one uslove koji su neophodni da možemo da tretiramo sve probleme koje ta deca sa sobom nose", kaže Zoran Milačić, direktor Centra za zaštitu odojčadi, dece i omladine u Zvečanskoj 7.

U ustanovama socijalne zaštite ima još 390 dece sa smetnjama u razvoju. U nekim od tih ustanova, kažu u resornom ministarstvu, još ima problema.

Državna sekretarka u Ministarstvu rada i socijalne politike Brankica Janković objašanjava da u narednom periodu treba uraditi više na poboljšanju uslova.

"U pojedinim ustanovama stanje u kojima korisnici borave, odnosno deca, nije na zadovoljavajućem nivou. To se posebno odnosi na dom u Vetreniku i u Stavnici i u centru za autizam. U Beogradu planiramo da u dogovoru sa lokalnom samoupravom radimo na poboljšanju uslova", kaže Brankica Janković.

Judita Rajhenberg iz UNICEF-a napominje da će u narednom periodu prioritet biti jačanje kapaciteta zaposlenih, obuka zaposleni, ulaganja u opremu.

Ono o čemu se posvećivalo manje pažnje je saradnja sa nadležnim ministrastvima, kaže Judita Rajhenberg i smatra da treba više podrške da bi se postojeći planovi, koji su odlični, ostvarili.

"Mislim da je put zacrtan, dobar, ima ciljeve, nema skretanja i ne smemo sad posustati i treba napred i sa intenzitetom i kad dođu kritike, one nam mogu dati poriv, poticaj da ne zaboravimo da nismo završili posao", kaže Rajhenbergova.

Po izlasku iz domova za decu sa smetnjama u razvoju, neka deca nastavljaju život u malim domskim zajednicama, kakve trenutno postoje u Nišu, Aleksincu i Negotinu. Još dve domske zajednice uskoro se osnivaju u Beogradu i u Banji Koviljači. Cilj je da žive u uslovima najsličnijim porodici, uz podršku stručnjaka i da se kroz školovanje uključe u život zajednice.

English translation:

New home for the children from Kulina
Tuesday, 9 October 2012.

The children from the home in Kulina near Aleksinac were moved to foster families and children's homes. Only adults remain in Kulina. The transferred children will be taken care of day and night, and each of them will be treated individually.

By the end of the year, there will be no more children in the home in Kulina near Aleksinac, where adults and children with the most severe developmental disabilities shared the roof over their heads. The children have been moved to foster families or children's homes, and only adults will remain in the renovated home.

The campaign "My Name is Angela" not only shocked the public in 2001, but also forced the authorities to solve the problem of the stay of children with disabilities not only in Kulina but also in other institutions of that type in Serbia.

Some of the children, who lived for years at the home in Kulina, far from the public eye, are now in a Belgrade home in Zvečanska 7. Better living conditions and day and night care and care of experts give results.

"We organized work with them as well as work with our other children, insisting that as many adults as possible be involved in supporting children, in order to achieve the optimal goal. It is an individual approach with full respect for the specifics of each individual child," says Mila Vuković Jovanović from the Working Unit for Accommodation with Intensive Support for Children.

About fifty children with the most severe developmental disabilities arrived in Zvečanska from Kulina. The institution, which until then had been a home for children without parental care from birth to three years of age, had to adapt to the new circumstances.

"Children and adolescents who have problems and significantly expressed disabilities, different needs, have now entered here, so it was necessary to prepare all the conditions that are necessary so that we can treat all the problems that these children bring with them," says Zoran Milačić, director of the Center for the Protection of Infants, Children and Youth in Zvečanska 7.

There are another 390 children with disabilities in social protection institutions. In some of those institutions, they say in the relevant ministry, there are still problems.

State Secretary in the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Brankica Janković, explains that more needs to be done in the coming period to improve conditions.

"In some institutions, the situation in which the users stay, i.e. children, is not at a satisfactory level. This especially refers to the home in Vetrenik and Stavnica and in the autism center. In Belgrade we plan to work on improving conditions in agreement with the local government," says Brankica Janković.

Judith Reichenberg from UNICEF notes that in the coming period, the priority will be to strengthen the capacity of employees, train employees, and invest in equipment.

What has received less attention is the cooperation with the competent ministries, says Judith Reichenberg, and she believes that more support is needed in order for the existing plans, which are excellent, to be realised.

"I think the road is planned, good, there are goals, there are no turns and we must not give up now and we need to move forward and with intensity and when criticism comes, they can give us an impetus, an incentive not to forget that we have not finished the job," says Reichenberg.

After leaving the homes for children with disabilities, some children continue to live in small home communities, such as currently exist in Niš, Aleksinac and Negotin. Two more home communities will soon be established in Belgrade and in Banja Koviljača. The goal is to live in the conditions most similar to a family, with the support of experts and to get involved in community life through schooling.

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